I also received a colon of an Argentinian Roach - Blaptica dubia. Blaptica is a awesome food for Camponotus species, as it has a huge amount of size varieties and most importantly - they are plentiful in amount of protein.
[Blocked Image: https://sun9-34.userapi.com/c855524/v855524231/1004bd/Sh0_GFgl8LY.jpg]
[Blocked Image: https://sun9-59.userapi.com/c855524/v855524231/100478/Ja6sjed_DaA.jpg]
[Blocked Image: https://sun9-63.userapi.com/c855524/v855524231/10040a/M7NYYrmFYh4.jpg]
Hunting down the roach in a pile of trash.
[Blocked Image: https://sun9-20.userapi.com/c858132/v858132510/d2058/23OUvWu2FWY.jpg]
[Blocked Image: https://sun9-26.userapi.com/c858132/v858132510/d206c/aSMzOyQjbqQ.jpg]
[Blocked Image: https://sun9-70.userapi.com/c858132/v858132510/d2076/0jDeE6OCl4U.jpg]
Xerxes appears to be a bey smart and educatin ant, which can successfully find roaches, but has problems with killing them.
And this is feeding by Pycnoscelus surinamensis.
[Blocked Image: https://sun9-50.userapi.com/c858128/v858128375/cd044/c5F7iS0U4xw.jpg]