Harpactira pulchripes
- Member since Sep 23rd 2010
Posts by skippy
Liometopum microcephalum
Prenolepis nitens queen
If is anyone interested in keeping this species , write me PM.[Blocked Image: http://www.mravce.info/prenolepis_nitens2.jpg]
I would like to show you a little gift I received this xmas.
It is a book Natur in Pfaffstätten 2012 , with this cover
http://www.mravce.info/scan3.jpg... and there is my photo of Prenolepis nitens (little but there is!)
http://www.mravce.info/scan1.jpg... but what is important to you , it has been found on this forum by this book redaction.
Mentioned in credits , of course
http://www.mravce.info/scan2.jpgPozdravujem zo Slovenska , Šťastné prežitie sviatkov a úspešný rok 2013 prajem.
30. july 16:42 ... found Pyramica argiola male = new species for Slovakia
[Blocked Image: http://www.mravce.info/subformikar/pyramica_argiola_male.jpg]
Our colony in Praque has already about 10 workers and queen has second generation of brood.
Will be better update soon.At the moment I work on article about Prenolepis nitens and I will do some science at autumn in this locale. I hope in some science article about these ants in winter.
@Cephalotes ... your sign ... Temnothorax - no Themnothorax
Strongylognathus testaceus with Tetramorium caespitum queen.
Again a video from Polistes terrarium.
In this <20 minute video you can see how quickly they can eat. It takes about 7-8 minutes to eat 1 big cricket. They actually like to eat 15-16 of them , every day.
In this longer video you can see more highlights:
2:45 - worker makes nest
7:40 - workers in terrarium are seeking for new food
7:50 - getting second cricket
8:30 - cricket ready
8:50 - worker search for new cricket
10:15 - eating leg detail (nest detail)
13:40 - larvae
15:00 - nest overall view
15:10 - third cricket
16:00 - cricket ready
17:00 - found
17:50 - nest is waiting for new food - already all has been eaten
18:30 - cricket on two parts lol ... later battery on camera is offI can already say , that keeping of local Polistes wasp is such a big fun as keeping 500€ Myrmecia ants.
I will support every beginner who would like to try it.
Who is searching for action show , perfect insect hunting eye view , low money animal + setup , it is the best way.
You can always put this basin on your balcoon or in the garden.
Soon I would like to create some instruction videos to teach , how to create simple setup , where to find queens , how to start nest and how to work with them.
It is possible to keep with no stings. -
[Blocked Image: http://forum.mravce.info/download/file.php?id=1088]
Polistes LIVE
at the moment just by file , on website soon.
(or) http://www.polistes.sk/stream_web.rar
to your computer and try to turn it on some media player (like Windows media player etc.) .... BEST WAY is to turn it on VLC media player (there it works for almost everyone). Other players may not work.There is not LED lighthing yet , so lighteness depends on sun. Now is bad weather so they are not so active, but webcam will be available probably to the end of session
Here is meteogram of actual weather from last year , when ants has swarmed at Fr 12´ (start of every graph)
+ ALADIN model t+72h (+ more days but it is not so important)
for C.vagus in Bratislava -
I like it too. Here is so hot and dry (30-31°C) that C.vagus do not swarm. Camponotus vagus of course usually swarm when temperature grow up at 19,5°C here at ca 12:45-13:45 , no wind , sunny.
When was temperature OK , it was very windy so they have not swarmed. Now is no wind , but very hot and dry, so they do not swarm too.
We here need to wait for some rain and colder weather and they will swarm in next round.... and of course , today Manica rubida has swarmed here. They usually swarm in June.... so you can see how are ants confused little bit.
Mir gefällt es auch. Hier ist so heiß und trocken, dass C. vagus nicht schwärmt. Camponotus vagus schwärmen natürlich normalerweise, wenn die Temperatur ansteigt auf 19,5°C hier um etwa 12:45 bis 13:45, kein Wind, sonnig. Als die Temperatur richtig war, war es sehr windig so dass sie nicht geschwärmt sind. Nun ist kein Wind, aber sehr warm und trocken, also schwärmen sie auch nicht. Wir müssen hier auf etwas Regen und kälteres Wetter warten, dann schwärmen sie.
... und natürlich, heute sind Manica rubida hier geschwärmt. Normalerweise schwärmen sie im Juni ... Wie man sieht sind die Ameisen etwas verwirrt.
Polistes dominula dominance battle , one queen with red dot vs 2 queens with blue dot
Red queen has already died , she wanted them both out , but she was weak against both... (these two blue will probably fight for domination too..)It is longer , but enjoy
Polistes LIVE - coming soon (working on server right now!)
At the moment 3 queens 6 workers in this one , 12 crickets/day